Establishes and reconfigures approved satellite networks.
Conducts antijamming operations.
The first step in the start procedure after the AN/MSQ-114 is on station at a new location is to activate the
control orderwire to the DSCS controller. Frequencies to be transmitted and received are authorized by the
GMF manager from an allotment granted to the GMFSC system by DISA. Other system parameters that are
determined prior to start are transmit power, number of channels, and type of modulation coding priority. The
GMF controller accesses each tactical terminal using the control terminal (CT) orderwire. The controller then
directs the adjusting of transmit power to achieve planned link performance. Measurements are made and
entered into the SAMS for real-time monitoring of the link.
3. To evaluate link parameters, the SAMS monitors the network for out of tolerance conditions. Manual
spectrum analyzers and user reports are also used to evaluate link parameters. Bad weather, equipment,
operator errors, satellite problem and intentional or unintentional interference may cause problem conditions.
The GMF controller detects and analyzes network problems. The next step is to direct work-around solutions.
These solutions may be temporary power adjustments, reduction-in-link capacity (drop out by priority), or
instructions to operators. In some cases, it may be necessary to interrupt service for major maintenance actions.
The GMF controller maintains a log of all problems and terminal faults. A network status display printout is
also maintained. The status display printouts that are available in the SAMS data base are status and statistics
reports. These reports are available as a hard copy, a cathode ray tube (CRT) display, both on command, or at
regularly timed intervals.
a. The status report displays the condition of authorized carriers under control of the AN/MSQ-114. This
is done by a measured carrier-to-noise temperature ratio (C/KT) reading, a calculated energy per bit-to-noise
density ratio (Eb/No), an operating noise temperature, an authorized C/KT, and a percentage of satellite
allocated power for each terminal. A summary page of the status report shows-
Measured percentage of transponder power.
Allocated percentage of transponder power.
Measured percentage of GMF power.
Measured transponder C/KT.
b. The statistics report is generated for a given start and stop time frame with an established number of
samples taken. For each terminal under control of the AN/MSQ-114 the report shows-
Mean C/KT (dB).
Authorized C/KT (dB).