c. The headquarters and headquarters company/materiel management center (HHC/MMC)
consists of a headquarters company and the DISCOM headquarters.
(1) The HHC provides overhead support to the DISCOM headquarters, which provides the
resources for command and control of all organic and attached DISCOM units.
(2) The MMC provides materiel management for weapons systems, controls maintenance
priorities, and coordinates and controls supply functions to meet the division's needs.
d. The aircraft maintenance company (AMCO) provides aviation intermediate maintenance
(AVIM) to the division's aviation brigade for heavy, light infantry, and airborne divisions. An air
assault division has an aviation maintenance battalion to support its large number of aircraft.
e. The forward support battalions (FSB) support each brigade in the brigade support area
f. The main support battalion (MSB) provides division-level tactical sustainment for division
units located in the division support area (DSA) and backup support to FSBs.
g. The signal officer of an FSB or MSB serves as a member of the battalion staff and also
directs and supervises the unit's signal elements.