(1) The transmitting contacts.
(2) The current adjust potentiometer.
(3) The line.
(4) The selector magnet at east.
(5) Ground at east.
(6) Ground near the battery at west.
(7) The positive side of the battery.
The operator of the station to whom you are sending cannot break into your transmission as he can in a half-
duplex circuit. He'll have to send a message to you on the second series circuit.
e. A disadvantage of the two-telephone full-duplex circuit is that neither station prints home copy. To overcome
this disadvantage, two teletype-writers can be used at each station as shown in figure 83. Here, home and receive copy
are printed at each station.
FIGURE 82. Full-Duplex Teletypewriter
Circuit (Two Way) for
Neutral Signals.
Using Polar Line Signals.
a. There is less distortion and smaller line loss when polar signals are sent out over the line instead of neutral
signals. To convert from neutral to polar operation requires more equipment, but the advantages are a longer range of
transmission and greater error-free traffic.