Climbers LC-240/U are adjustable lightweight, metal climbers.
The length can be
adjusted from 14 3/4 to 19 1/2 inches for different leg sizes. (See Figure 1-10b.)
To sharpen the gaffs, gaff gage TL-144 is available to check the gaffs of climbers LC-
240/U. (See Figure 1-11.)
Lance poles PO-2 provides a convenient method of supporting aerial lines. These wooden poles,
which are 14 feet long and 2 inches in diameter, are tapered from the bottom to top with a sharpened or
conical point at the bottom. (See Figure 1-12.) An insulator pin is attached to the top of the pole. Two
poles can be lashed together to provide the proper height when crossing a primary or secondary road.
Normally, the minimum span for using lance poles is 100 feet. They can be strengthened by using two
on the bottom and one on top.
Linesman bag. This is a bag with a leather bottom to carry all the small items needed to do the
construction work (See Figure 1-13.) You can carry the hammer, marline cord, tags, grease pencil,
stakes, and other small items that you will need.
Figure 1-10a. Climbing equipment.