Figure 2-2. Removing insulation from field wire conductors.
You are now ready to join the broken conductors. To do this, use a square knot. To tie
the square knot, join the end of the long conductor of one pair and the end of the short conductor of the
other pair after restoring the normal twist of the conductors. (For WD-1A/TT, twist conductors where
they were separated.) Twist conductor 1 over and under conductor 2 to form the first loop (A, in Figure
2-3). Twist conductor 1 over and under conductor 2 to form the second loop of the square knot (B, in
Figure 2-3. Pull the knot tight, leaving a 1/4-inch opening in the square knot and a 1/4-inch space
between the knot and the insulation (B, in Figure 2-3).
Figure 2-3. Tying square knot in field wire.