Locating and clearing troubles require you to have some knowledge of the installation of the line.
Usually the person who installed the line does the troubleshooting, if available. Why? Who knows the
most about the line and where possible trouble could be? The installer. If it is a two-wire line, WD-1
( )/TT, you will need a good TA-312/PT, some tape, and your TE-33 kit.
Go to either end to start troubleshooting. Use the instrument there first. This is to determine if
the trouble is in the telephone. Then try your telephone. If the same problem exists, their telephone is
probably good. Make the determination of the trouble from the symptoms we have discussed.
What do you do? There has to be a system or procedure on locating the trouble. Several might
work but one that does it easily is the one you will use. After you checked the instrument at one end,
you would then go to the halfway point. If the line is an open you could use your TL-13A to remove
some insulation, connect the telephone, and then ring it down. Who does not answer? The trouble lies
in that direction. Before you depart the area be sure to tape those bare wires. But wait, what do you do
if the line is a short? The only thing you can do is to cut the line and test first in one direction and then
in the other. Which ever end does not answer is the direction of the trouble. Splice the wires together
How far do you now go? Again, split the difference and go half way. Repeat the steps you took
before and test the line. Either the trouble is further down the line or you passed it. Again split the
difference until you narrow it down to a short distance and then you can walk the line to locate the
trouble. Remember too, the trouble could be the instrument at the distant end. Your job is to be sure the
Of course, we are always looking for short cuts to the job. There are none. Sometimes you just
have to walk the line and look for the trouble. It is usually in the most inconspicuous location.
If you have access to the equipment, have your supervisor put trouble on the line and then have
you find it. You will need two additional people to help you. There must be someone at each end to
answer the telephone.