(1) General news events may include sporting meets and ceremonies
such as a change of command, awards, advancements, ribbon cutting, etc. You
will know what, where, when, and who about the event and have some idea of
the type of photographs needed.
(2) You will be able to roughly preplan the coverage, but maintain
some flexibility to decide the exact pictures to take during the event. You
will probably still have a deadline to meet, but these will generally not be
as short-fused, as those for spot news.
c. Feature News. Feature news is reporting on the activities of some
person, organization, or group that you have selected in advance.
speed in publishing is not an overriding factor, a more in-depth story is
(1) More time is available to research the subject and gain an
understanding of the elements.
You can previsualize the entire feature
whether it be a single picture or a series of pictures.
(2) Ideally, you should compile a shooting script. A shooting script
is a written guide you use for planning the coverage. Later in this lesson
we will discuss researching and scripting the shoot in greater detail.
Action and Sports.
a. Goal of the Photojournalist. When you photograph people in action,
at work, or at play, the name of the game is anticipation, staying alert,
and expecting the unexpected. Your goal is to capture the "peak" of action
or that moment which best imparts to the viewer the feeling or emotion you
want them to feel. Whether it is the precision movement of the post drill
team or that interception that won the championship, you want the viewer to
feel the intensity of that moment as if he were actually there.
(1) Action pictures of people.
The best pictures of people will
usually have action--implied or apparent. Action will enhance the emotional
mood and impact of your images.
The action should be appropriate to the
(a) Even a posed picture can have action and interest.
dull, static pictures of people looking into the camera. Plan and shoot for
action, such as shots of a speaker making gestures, audience's facial
reactions, applause, people shaking hands, etc.