Equipment Photography.
a. Photographs are often required for Material Deficiency Reports (MDR),
Equipment Improvement Recommendations (EIR), and captured enemy equipment.
(1) MDR. When a piece of equipment is deficient and is too large or too
much time and money would be wasted sending the piece of equipment back to the
manufacturer, MDR in the form of photographs and captions explaining what the
deficiency might be are sent to the manufacturer. In this procedure, maintenance
would be able to fix the equipment faster and at a less costly rate.
(2) EIR. When equipment needs improvement or the improvement has already
been completed, EIR photographs with captions are sent off to the manufacturer or
to a higher echelon.
b. In shooting such pictures, the photographer will first shoot four basic
views...one three-quarter view, showing three slides of the equipment, and then
three other photos, each of which shows only one of the three sides depicted in
the three-quarter view.
If he has additional time and/or film, he then will
shoot other three-quarter views and the sides not shown in the original four
He may also shoot close-ups of some particular area on the equipment,
such as nameplates, intricate machinery, etc.
Series Photos.
a. Simply stated, series photos are merely a group of exposures which,
having been taken one after another with a very short time lapse in between,
arrest or stop action so that the action can be studied and analyzed.
example: A team of men in the act of launching a grenade against a tank, shown
setting up and arming their weapon. The photographer makes an exposure each time
the team performs a different task, i.e., loading a grenade into the launcher,
taking aim, firing the grenade, etc.
Effects of the action--such as the
destruction of the tank--can also be photographed as part of the series.
b. There are dozens of uses to which series photos can be put, including
behind-the-lines study by time-motion personnel to determine wasted action; or
analysis by designers to determine how improvements in handling ease of the
weapon might be brought about.