Maintenance Procedure
Check for distortion in lens board (figure 7) and for proper
seating in lens board mounting plate.
With lens and shutter assembly removed, blow out any foreign
Performing Visual Inspection
a. Check the camera component for lighttightness through cracks or
around loose parts. Also, check for damage to the bellows which will admit
light to the camera interior. Any light leakage may fog the film and reduce
the contrast in the final negative.
b. Check the shutter for lighttightness as follows:
(1) Hold the lens and shutter assembly with the lens between a light
source and the eyes.
(2) Set the lens opening selector for largest opening position.
(3) Observe that no light is visible through the shutter blades or
around any part of the lens mounting.
(4) At various speed settings, operate the shutter release lever slowly
until the shutter trips. Observe that the shutter blades do not start to
open before shutter tripping occurs.
(5) If any defect in shutter operation appears, refer the trouble to
higher echelon for correction.
c. Inspect the camera set for presence of all components which comprise
the set. Replace any missing components.
d. Inspect all finished parts for scratched or marred surfaces. Refer
finish defects to higher echelon for repair.