226 Scope of Operator's Maintenance
The maintenance duties assigned to the operator of the printer are
listed below together with a reference to the paragraphs covering the
specific maintenance function. The duties assigned do not require tools or
test equipment. The materials required are listed in paragraph 227.
a. Daily preventive maintenance checks and services (para 230).
b. Weekly preventive maintenance checks and services (para 231).
c. Cleaning (para 232).
d. Troubleshooting (para 233).
e. Repairs (para 234).
f. Adjustments (para 235).
227 Operator's Material Required
a. Cleaning compound (FSN 79303959542).
b. Lens cleaner (FSN 67504085175).
c. Lens tissue (FSN 66403932093).
d. Textile cloth (FSN 83052673015).
228 Operator's Preventive Maintenance
Preventive maintenance is the systematic care, servicing, and
inspection of equipment to prevent the occurrence of trouble, to reduce
downtime, and to assure that the equipment is serviceable.
a. Systematic care. The procedures given in paragraphs 230, 231, and
233 cover routine systematic care and cleaning essential to proper upkeep
of the equipment.
b. Preventive maintenance checks and services. The preventive
maintenance checks and services charts (para 230