Figure 33. Leroy template to pen size correlation
b. StepbyStep Use of the Leroy Set. After you have determined the
letter requirements and correctly fastened the graphics project to the
drawing surface, you can letter the project using the Leroy lettering set.
Use characters of uniform height, thickness, and slant by performing the
steps listed in the following paragraphs:
(1) Draw the correct size guidelines for the lettering you have
chosen for the project. Remember from lesson I that you measure the
height of letters in points and that there are 72 points to the inch.
Given this, each point is approximately equal to 13.8 thousandths of an
inch. Use this information to convert Leroy letter guide sizes to points.
Example, your task calls for an 18 point letter. To identify the Leroy
guide closest to this, multiply 18 points by 13.8 thousandths per point.
The result is 248.4 thousandths. Therefore, you would use the size 240
(2) Lay the selected template along the top edge of a T square or
(3) Select the pen appropriate to the template you use as figure 33