Antenna Erection. You are now familiar with the procedure for assembling the launcher
and the antenna. The next task is to raise and secure the antenna. The steps in this
procedure are listed below. As you read the procedure for raising the mast, refer to the
Fold-Outs specified. Two precautions should be kept in mind while raising the antenna.
One is to be extremely careful when erecting the antenna system in winds stronger than
25 miles-per-hour. If the wind is strong, station at least one man to maintain adequate
tension on the windward upper guy to keep the mast vertical while it is being raised. The
other precaution is never place hands or feet between the lowest mast section and the
azimuth plate. By following these precautions you will prevent injury to yourself and
Refer to Fold-Out 6 while reading this first step in raising the mast. Raise the
mast section in the launcher by pumping the jacking lever until about 4 inches
of the mast section remains below the lower roller guides. Continue raising
the mast section slowly until the automatic stop operates and prevents further
upward movement of the mast section. Be sure to locate each of these parts in
Fold-Out 6.
Continue to refer to Fold-Out 6. Place another mast section under the mast
section just raised. Push the automatic stop clear, aligned the keyway in the
female end of the second mast section with the keys on the male end of the
first mast section. Twist the second mast section until the yellow stripes on
both mast sections are aligned and the catch locks them together. Check to
insure the mast sections are locked before proceeding.
Close Fold-Out 6 and open Fold-Out 7. Use this Fold-Out to locate each part
mentioned in this step.
When the antenna height is to be 35 feet use this step. Continue Jacking,
inserting and locking mast sections until the last mast section is inserted and
locked in position. DO NOT JACK UP THE LAST MAST SECTION. But
instead make sure that the yellow stripe at zero degree on the azimuth plate is
in line with the yellow stripe on the last mast section. Then set the two brake