b. Wire communications is used whenever practical to supplement radio communications
within an air defense battalion. Wire is used at the battalion tactical operations center (TOC) to
interconnect elements of the battalion HQ with the TOC switchboard. Wire is also used to interconnect
the firing battery HQ to each of its firing platoons and firing units. To maintain adequate wire
communications, the unit signal officer must know the applicable maintenance and support procedures.
Table 3-2 lists planning considerations when using wire. Some key considerations are discussed below
and additional information is in Chapter 4 of FM 24-16, Communications-Electronics Operations
Orders, Records and Reports, and Chapters 3, 7, and 9 of TC 24-20, Tactical Wire and Cable
Table 3-2. Wire Planning Considerations
c. Multichannel communications provided by the division signal battalion enable the division's
air defense battalion to communicate with air defense elements at the maneuver brigades, division HQ,
and higher HQ (corps/theater). Multichannel radio communications are not organic to a division's
maneuver battalions. Equipment and the means to access the division area common user system is
provided by the division signal battalion. The signal officer assigned to an air defense battalion must
know the equipment capabilities so adequate support can be provided to the battalion. Table 3-3, page
3-6, lists key multichannel planning factors. Some key factors are discussed below. Chapter 4 of FM
24-16, Communications-Electronics Operations Orders, Record and Reports, and Chapters 2, 4, and 5
(1) Signal officers must know the number and types of systems needed to do the job, circuits
over each system, and circuit and systems interconnections. The signal officer must also know the
availability and status of multichannel radio and wire/cable equipment.