g. At the end of the development time, lift the reels from the
developer, drain them, and transfer them to the stop bath. Use continuous
agitation in the stop bath for 30-60 seconds.
h. Transfer the reels to the fixing tank and agitate for 15 seconds.
Agitate the film for 5 seconds every 30 seconds or 10 seconds every 60
seconds. The room lights may be turned on after the first two minutes.
i. Wash the negatives thoroughly in running water for 30 minutes (5
minutes if a clearing agent is used).
j. Transfer the film to the photo-flo.
Tap the reels against the
bottom of the tank to dislodge any air bubbles. Remove the reels from the
photo-flo after one minute.
k. Take the film off the reel.
Attach a film clip to the top and
bottom of the film and hang it in a drying cabinet.
Eliminate excess
surface moisture with a photo chamois or viscous sponge.
12. Processing roll film in a daylight tank.
Processing roll film in
daylight tanks is the most popular method used.
The following steps
describe the procedure for loading and processing film in daylight tanks.
a. Arrange the film, reel and tanks on the counter in front of you.
Turn off the darkroom lights. Load the film onto the reels. Then place the
loaded reel(s) in the tank and place the light tight cover on the tank.
b. Turn on the room lights and set the timer for the developer.
c. Remove the small cap located in the center of the light tight cover.
Do not remove the cover. Tilt the tank at a 45-degree angle and pour the
developer through the hole in the center of the cover, as fast as you can,
without spilling it.
d. Replace the cap and agitate the tank for 15 seconds.
You can
agitate by twisting or rotating the tank or by inverting the tank and
bringing it back to an upright position.
Repeat this procedure for the
entire agitation cycle.
At the end of each agitation cycle tap the tank
firmly to dislodge any air bubbles.