Figure 2-1.
d. The EN-22A is a self-contained printer that accommodates negatives
up to 9- x 18-inches and aerial roll film, supported by brackets, up to 9.5
inches in width and 500 feet in length.
Other characteristics of this
printer are as follows:
(1) It has 73 incandescent/argon printing lights. Each light can be
individually controlled. There are also pattern switches to control groups
of lights. This type of control permits dodging (holding back light from an
area) and burning-in (adding more light to a given area) of the image.
(2) In the EN-22A contact printer, print contrast is controlled
through the use of a built-in filter roll.
The roll is divided into
segments, each of which passes a different color of light (comparable to the
color of light produced by filters contained in a set of variable contrast
appropriate portion of the roll of acetate filter material can be placed
between the light source and the printing surface. There is a section of
clear acetate for printing without a filter.