Introduction to Maintenance Fundamentals of 3/4-Inch Video Cassete RecorderLesson 1. Fundamentals of Video RecordersFigure 1-1. Typical magnetic headFigure 1-2. Simplified sketch of flux lines in a recording gapFigure 1-4. Playback processFigure 1-5. Use of high frequency bias recordingFigure 1-6. Wavelength limitations in tape playbackLearning Event 5: Principles of Longitudinal Recording with Rotating HeadwheelLearning Event 5: Principles of Longitudinal Recording with Rotating Headwheel (Cont)Practice Exercise - Ss060470017Lesson 2. Fundamentals of Helical Scan Video RecordersFigure 2-1. Tape wrapsLearning Event 3: Fundamentals of Video Tape TracksPractice Exercise - Ss060470021Lesson 3. Principles of Helican Scan VCR Circuits in Record ModeLearning Event 2: Fundamentals of the Luminance Signal Record System (MD-4 Board)Learning Event 4: Functions of Comb Filter CircuitLearning Event 5: Fundamentals of Y High Frequency Preemphasis and FM ModulationLearning Event 6: Fundamentals of Y Record Amplifier Circuit (RA-2 Board) and Chroma Signal Record SystemLearning Event 7: Chroma Signal Frequency Down-Converter Circuit and Chroma Record Amplifier CircuitLearning Event 7: Chroma Signal Frequency Down-Converter Circuit and Chroma Record Amplifier Circuit (Cont)Practice Exercise - Ss060470029Practice Exercise (Cont) - Ss060470030Lesson 4. Fundamentals of the VCR Playback CircuitsLearning Event 2: Fundamentals of the Tracking Meter and Dropout Compensator Circuits (PS-10)Figure 4-1. Cosine equalizerFigure 4-3. Y-FM demodulatorLearning Event 5: Fundamentals of the Noise Eliminator Circuit and Y/C Mixer (Y/E-2 Board)Learning Event 6: Fundamentals of the Chroma Demodulator (PS-10)Learning Event 7: Fundamentals of Playback ACC and ACK CircuitsLearning Event 7: Fundamentals of Playback ACC and ACK Circuits (Cont)Learning Event 8: Functions of the Automatic Frequency Control CircuitLearning Event 8: Functions of the Automatic Frequency Control Circuit (Cont)Practice Exercise - Ss060470041Practice Exercise (Cont) - Ss060470042Lesson 5. Fundamentals of the Audio and Servo Systems of a Helical Scan VCRLearning Event 2: Fundamentals of the Capstan Servo and Capstan Speed Servo CircuitsLearning Event 3: Functions of the Capstan Servo/Record and Capstan Phase Servo/Playback CircuitsLearning Event 4: Fundamentals of the Audio (AV-8) and Power Supply Circuits (PW-1A)Practice Exercise - Ss060470047Foldout Diagrams for Lessons 3, 4, and 5Figure (fo) 3-1. Overall block diagram.Figure (fo) 3-1. Overall block diagram - continued.Figure (fo) 3-2. (MD-4) Y/C modulatorFigure (fo) 3-2. (MD-4) Y/C modulator - continued - Ss060470052Figure (fo) 3-2. (MD-4) Y/C modulator - continued - Ss060470053Figure (fo) 3-3. (RS-2) Right switch blockFigure (fo) 3-3. (RS-2) Right switch block - continuedFigure (fo) 3-4. (RA-2) Y/C record amplifier, (PS-10) playback RF amplifier, (HF-3) PB Y RF sideband equalizerFigure (fo) 3-4. (RA-2) Y/C record amplifier, (PS-10) playback RF amplifier, (HF-3) PB Y RF sideband equalizer - continued - Ss060470057Figure (fo) 3-4. (RA-2) Y/C record amplifier, (PS-10) playback RF amplifier, (HF-3) PB Y RF sideband equalizer - continued - Ss060470058Figure (fo) 4-2. (DM-7) Y/C demodulatorFigure (fo) 4-2. (DM-7) Y/C demodulator - continued - Ss060470060Figure (fo) 4-2. (DM-7) Y/C demodulator - continued - Ss060470061Figure (fo) 4-4. (YE-2) Y noise eliminator, Y/C mixer, and video output amplifierFigure (fo) 4-4. (YE-2) Y noise eliminator, Y/C mixer, and video output amplifier - continuedFigure (fo) 4-5. (PS-10, MA-7, and GH-1) drum servo, and chroma demodulatorFigure (fo) 4-5. (PS-10, MA-7, and GH-1) drum servo, and chroma demodulator - continued - Ss060470065Figure (fo) 4-5. (PS-10, MA-7, and GH-1) drum servo, and chroma demodulator - continued - Ss060470066Figure (fo) 5-1. (CS-8) capstan servoFigure (fo) 5-1. (CS-8) capstan servo - continued - Ss060470068Figure (fo) 5-1. (CS-8) capstan servo - continued - Ss060470069Figure (fo) 5-2. (AU-8) audio rec/PB amplifierFigure (fo) 5-2. (AU-8) audio rec/PB amplifier - continued - Ss060470071Figure (fo) 5-2. (AU-8) audio rec/PB amplifier - continued - Ss060470072Figure (fo) 5-3. (PW-1A, PW-1B, and AC-2) Power supplyFigure (fo) 5-3. (PW-1A, PW-1B, and AC-2) Power supply - continuedAnswers to Practice Exercises - Ss060470075Answers to Practice Exercises (Cont) - Ss060470076Maintenance Fundamentals of 3/4-Inch Video Cassette Recorders