(3) The Air Assault Division Signal Battalion.
(a) Overview. The air assault division signal battalion deploys as a light division unit. It
can operate over a wide frontage in all types of terrain. Because the division is a rapidly moving force,
communications equipment is mobile: easily sling-loaded from helicopters. The battalion installs,
defense, and combat service support (CSS). HHC provides the usual C2 and logistics support. Three
line companies support the air assault division. Refer to Figure 2-7, page 2-15, to see where the three
companies serve and Figure 2-8. page 2-16, for doctrinal equipment employment.
(b) The command communications company provides extension nodes at the Div Main
and Div TAC CP. In addition, it provides an area node in support of the division ACUS. Because of
extended ranges involved, the company provides multichannel relays and FM retransmission capability.
(c) The signal support company. The signal support company provides three extension
nodes to support the three brigades and their support areas. It provides RATT stations at the brigade CP
for the division general purpose RATT net.
(d) The area signal company. The area signal company provides multichannel support,
automatic switch boards, and RAT at DIVARTY, aviation group, air defense, MI, and engineer
battalions. It also provides the second area node in support of the division ACUS and multichannel
relay and FM retransmission capability.
(4) The Airborne Division Signal Battalion.
(a) Overview. The airborne division signal battalion deploys as a light division unit. A
rapidly deployable unit, it employs one area signal node for the division ACUS. The battalion installs,
defense, and CSS. HHC provides C2 and logistics support. Three line companies support the airborne
division. Refer to Figure 2-9, page 2-17, to see where these companies serve.
(b) The command communications company. The command communications company
provides the area node to support the division multichannel network. It also provides extension nodes at
Div Main CP, DISCOM, and Div TAC. The company also provides single-channel FM retransmission