The splicing of field wire to repair faults is as follows:
a. Wire ends should be cut to have equal length. One conductor of each
wire pair is cut 6 inches from the end. Using the cutting edge of pliers
TL-13A, remove 6 inches of both conductors' insulation 2 inches at a time
(Figure 6-13, Chapter 6, FM 24-20).
b. Pull the third 2-inch section of the insulation to the ends of the
c. Tie square knot on ends of wire to secure wire together (Figure 6-
16, Chapter 6, FM 24-20).
(1) Join the end of the long conductor of one pair and the end of the
short conductor of the other pair after restoring the normal twist of the
conductor to maintain tensile strength.
(2) Twist conductor once over and under conductor to form the first
loop in the tie.
(3) Twist conductor once over and under conductor to form the second
loop of the square knot tie.
(4) Pull the knot tight, but leave a quarter of an inch space between
the knot and the insulation (Figure 6-17, Chapter 6, FM 24-20).
d. Remove the last 2-inch section of insulation from conductor and
separate the three steel strands from the copper strands by flexing both
wire strands (copper strands will remain bent when flexed).
e. Cut steel strands flush with the ends of the insulation and form an
"X" over square knot by crossing the left-hand end of the copper strands
under and over the right side of the square knot (Figure 6-18, Chapter 6, FM
f. Wrap several tight turns over the bare portion of the right-hand
conductor from the end of knot until two turns have been made on the
g. Cut the excess ends of the copper strands and repeat the same
procedures on the right-hand end of the copper strands.
h. All splices are taped to waterproof the conductors.
(1) With the electrical insulation tape, start taping at the center
of the splice.