Figure 1-6. Raising medium weight pole with pike pole.
f. Repeat the rocking process described above until the pole can be piked directly into the hole.
Remove both pole supports as the pole slides into the hole.
g. Remove the butting board and cant hooks. Face, straighten, and center the pole. Backfill and
tamp the earth around the pole. Remove the pike poles. (See Figures 1-7 and 1-8.)
Keep the ground clear of anything that
might cause personnel to trip.
Gin pole method for raising and setting poles. A gin pole may be used to raise and set poles
when a pole derrick is not available and the crew is too small to raise the pole with pike poles. A gin
pole may also be used when a pole is either too long or too heavy to be raised by other methods. (See
Figure 1-9.)