d. Long-span suspension guys. A long-spa horizontal suspension guy is placed overhead
between two dead-end poles or structures. This type of suspension is placed above the regular
suspension sand to support the vertical load of a suspension sand and cable, at one or more point in a
long span (Figure 2-6). This type of guying may be used at river or ravine crossings. The guy is dead
ended at the dead-end structures, and the load is supported by head guys. Normally not more than two
catenary suspension (overhead) guys are placed on single pole structures. If more than two suspension
guys are required to support the load, H-fixtures are used.
Figure 2-6. Typical long-span suspension guy.
Placing guys with respect to load. Unbalanced loads occur at each point in a pole line where
there is a change in direction from the trend of line and at dead ends. The following are general rules for
guying pole lines.
a. All dead-end poles are head guyed, and all corner poles, on which there is a pull of 2 feet (.61
m) or more under most conditions, are side guyed.