b. Location of hollow hearts. Tap each pole at various points.. Start at a point below the
ground line and move up 4 or 5 feet (1.22 or 1.52 cm). Use a standard hammer to determine whether or
not there are hollow hearts or enclosed pockets in the pole. If hollow hearts are found, locate the place
where the shell is thinnest and determine the thickness at that point. To do this, use a borer. If enclosed
pockets are found on one side of the pole, determine their extent by sounding, boring, and measuring the
depth of the pocket.
c. Poles that are surrounded by concrete or pavement should have a visual inspection and
sounding. This should help to indicate decay, hollow hearts, and enclosed pockets.
d. Measurement of decayed pole circumference. After the decayed wood is removed, measure
the minimum circumference of the pole with a steel tape and put this information on the record of
e. Results of your inspection should be turned in to your supervisor upon return. The engineers
can then evaluate your inspection and determine the action to be taken with respect to a particular pole.
Apply ground-line treatment to poles only where specified by the project engineer. Ground-line
treatment is not intended for use on pressure-treated poles, or on poles that previously have been brush-
treated, spray-treated, or ground-line treated. Ground-line treatment is not applied if the condition of the
pole does not justify it.
a. Tools and materials required.
(1) A 2-gallon (7.56 liter) spout can is to be used in pouring treatment around the pole. If a
sprinkler can is used, remove the sprinkler head and flatten the tip of the pouring spout so it will pour a
flat, fan-shaped stream.
(2) Be advised creosote treatment should not be used.
(3) Commercial sodium fluoride in 1 pound (453.60 gram) containers. Each pole requires 1
(4) Wooden dowels for plugs 3/8 inch (.95 cm) in diameter, to be used for plugging holes
made by the increment borer, when used for treating carpenter ant galleries.
b. After inspection and before starting the backfilling, distribute 1 pound (453.60 g) of
commercial sodium fluoride against and around the pole at the bottom of the excavation. Avoid
unnecessary contact with the chemical. Bury the container in the excavation.