37. The following function is done by what control?
"Locks panhead
platform in position.
When loosened, permits changing panhead platform
angle of tilt."
ANS: _____________________________________________________
38. You are getting ready to focus your camera, prior to making an
exposure, for which you must operate which of the following controls?
(circle one)
Speed selector ring.
Lens opening selector.
Focus button.
Synchronization cocking lever.
39. In order to do the following function, "Indicates length of time (in
seconds) shutter will remain open during an exposure," you must operate
which indicator?
ANS: _____________________________________________________
The 4" x 5" film or film pack used will depend on the
individual situation and mission to be accomplished.
Instructions for
loading the cut film holders and the film pack adapter are outlined in a and
b below. Refer to TM 11-401-1 and the film manufacturer's instruction sheet
(packed with the film to be used) for additional information, such as
exposure combination (f/stop and time), types of developer, development
time, etc.
a. Loading cut film holders (A, figure 8). Load the cut film holders
only in a darkroom. Panchromatic film must be handled in total darkness:
Other films may be handled in a darkroom equipped with recommended
(1) Withdraw the dark slide from the cut film holder.
(2) Swing the bottom flap out to open the bottom of the cut film