b. The black and white process is much more rapid, producing 420 8-by 10-inch or 235 square feet per
hour. From dry-to-dry the entire process takes about 2 minutes.
c. The Kreonite Krematic is a variable speed processor.
Figure 1-2. Kreonite Krematic processor
Figure 1-3 represents a floor model processor, the Ilford Ilfospeed 2240 black and white print processor.
It has a production capability of up to 580 8 by 10 prints per hour. Dry-to-dry time is only 67 seconds. It can be
set up to run all standard roll sizes and can accept paper up to 17 inches wide for even higher throughput. The
2240 processor is a one-speed processor but feeds through a remarkable 62.2 inches per minute.