(2) The Bidirectional or Figure-eight Pattern. Microphones with this configuration accept
sound best at the 0 and 180, direction points with least acceptance at the 90 points (fig 2-22). They
have varying degrees of acceptance at the in-between points on the graph. This pattern varies as the size
of the figure eight is changed in relationship to each other. If either the upper or lower lobe is made
larger or smaller, then the pattern size changes.
Figure 2-22. Bidirectional pickup pattern
(3) The Cardoid Pickup Pattern. Microphones with this polar pattern accept sound best at 0
point, with minimal response at the 180 degree point and with varying degrees of response at the in-
between points (fig 2-23). This pattern varies at the size and shape of the lobes below the 90 degree
points on the graph change.
Figure 2-23. Cardoid pickup pattern