(4) A canted angle is used very little in the military.
This is
accomplished by tilting the camera on its horizontal axis (fig 3-35).
angle suggests instability and excitement. Use sparingly.
c. Subject angle affects camera angle.
(1) Subject or object viewed head-on shows height and width, not depth.
It has the appearance of some flat cartoon figures. That tall building viewed
from an angle appears three-dimensional.
(2) A human face is best when the subject is turned 45 degrees to the
camera. If lighting is good, the face, side of face, and eyes are fully on
display (fig 3-36).
In other words, if the camera is at the side of the
subject or object is at an angle, there is more three-dimensional effect, or
This three-dimensional effect is also supported by good lighting and
good color.
Figure 3-35.
Canted angle shot
Figure 3-36.
Excellent facial shot