Figure 4-1.
VR packing and storage
Learning Event 2:
There are several things that may cause the equipment to fail.
operator must always think of the ENG/EFP as delicate equipment and handle
it with extreme care.
a. One thing that may destroy a VR, is liquid or beverage of any kind.
The operator ensures there is no eating or drinking around the equipment
that may get spilled by accident onto the VR.
b. Rings and jewelry may cause electric shock to one's self and
equipment when cleaning heads and they come in contact with inside of a VR
with power on.
It is important to remember to turn off all power to
equipment when performing maintenance.
c. A safety precaution for equipment with respect to storage and
operations is dust and dirt. Dust and dirt may damage videotape and heads
and other moving parts of the VR or camera.