1-52. Confused call signs are also a favorable condition for deception. Enemy operators can
attempt to increase the confusion by transmitting garbled messages, creating misunderstandings,
or causing arguments.
Thus, the enemy takes advantage of call signs that are _____________ to use deception
(1-52. Answer: confused)
communications difficult and deception easy. With these conditions it is not easy to recognize
friendly stations, and authentication procedures are less reliable. Authentication procedures are
less reliable when there are _______________ signals, ________________,atmospheric
________________, and ________________-________________ operations.
1-54. When combat is imminent or in progress, especially during the critical stages, radio nets
are especially susceptible to deception. During times of heavy traffic load and limited
transmission, proper communications procedures tend to be relaxed. The rapid movement of
troops and displacement of radio operations makes positive identification of calls and
acknowledgement difficult. Deception is particularly troublesome when _____________ is
imminent or in progress.
(1-54. Answer: combat)