shocked. The design of the safety board will be IAW TB 385-4.
ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT. We have just discussed some electrical hazards.
Next, let's look at some of the electrical/electronic equipment for which you, as a unit-level
communications maintainer, are responsible and possible problems with each.
a. Radio transmitters.
(1) RF burns can occur when you come in contact with or are too close to the antenna system
(2) Because the radio transmitter must have power applied, you must always ensure proper
grounding of equipment to prevent electrical shock. When radios are mounted in vehicles, you must
check all ground straps--those on the equipment and the ones that ground the equipment to the vehicle
(for example, the proper star washer).
b. Antennas. There
are many
different sizes and shapes of
antennas, but the safety rules
to all.
(1) Siting is not only important for communication but also for safety. Before erecting an
antenna, check the area for power lines with which your antenna could come in contact. Some safety
rules to follow are:
(a) Never erect an antenna any closer to a power line than twice the antenna length.
(b) Never erect or move an antenna during an electrical storm.
(c) Always mark guy wires and the area around the antenna to keep personnel and
vehicles from running into your antenna.
(2) Tactical mobile antennas usually are connected to the vehicle by a matching unit. The
ground wire on the matching unit should be of the right type and connected to a ground in accordance
with the appropriate TM for the radio set.
(a) The antenna should be tied down whenever the vehicle moves. This keeps the
antenna from accidentally coming in contact with an electrical power line. Check the appropriate TM for
proper tie-down procedures.
(b) When the antenna is tied down, you, as the unit-level communications maintainer, are
responsible to ensure the antenna tip cap is in place.
c. Switchboards and wire lines.
(1) Switchboards must always be grounded regardless of where they are mounted.
Grounding must be IAW the appropriate TM for the equipment.