(5) The AN/TRC-170 radio terminal set is an air and ground troposcatter microwave
assemblage. It provides links for the EAC network.
(6) The AN/TSC-85 SATCOM terminal is a SHF system used in the EAC network.
(7) The AN/TSC-93 SATCOM terminal is a SHF system used at major nodes in the
EAC network.
c. Network control facilities. The AN/TYQ-30/31/32 communications systems control
element (CSCE) provides automated management systems.
Echelons Above Corps (EAC).
a. The EAC communication system is called the theater communications system (Army)
(TCS(A)). It connects the theater army commander with his subordinate commands, and
consists of an area network and designed command links.
b. The theater signal command (Army) (TSC(A)) is responsible for providing
communications support to the theater army at EAC.
Predeployment Planning. Network planning occurs before engineering begins. It
consists of defining the mission, analyzing user requirements, validating, and resource allocation.
a. Network design is the process of identifying signal site locations, identifying unit
locations on a map, and determining the number and location of area signal nodes.
b. Transmission systems engineering involves defining each system used (satellite,
troposcatter, LOS radio, etc.) traffic flow analysis, node interconnection, extension systems,
providing service, system connectivity, and allocating frequencies.
c. Circuit switch systems engineering deals with technical aspects of the network.
(1) Develop circuit switch diagram.
(2) Program the switch.