established, the RAUs are connected, followed by major headquarters. The initial locations of
all units and their planned jump locations should be known. Any special requirements of the
supported units (such as commercial access, satellite communications (SATCOM), and special
telephone features) must be identified.
(2) Interfaces. The signal planner must ensure that both internal and external
interfaces are planned. Interfaces pertain to connections of non-MSE hardware to the MSE
network. Internal interface pertains to connections of non-MSE hardware within the MSE
network. Examples are combat net radio interface, commercial access, or use of troposcatter or
SATCOM as a transmission means. External interface pertains to connections of other systems
(EAC, adjacent corps, allies) to the MSE network. The network planner must consider the
requirements of each type of interface, and plan accordingly.
(3) RAU/MSRT deployment plan. The RAU network provides system access to
mobile subscribers in planned areas. MSRT density is greatest along main routes of march and
around CP locations. If there is not enough equipment to cover 100 percent of the battlefield,
holes in the coverage may occur. The MSRT planning factor is 20 to 25 MSRTs per RAU.
(4) Other system considerations. The node switch's present software has a standard
data base. If data base modification is required, it should be done before leaving the motor pool.
Loading of the preaffiliation list (PAL) must be closely monitored. If the same PAL is loaded
into two different switches, it can cause switch crashes or lost telephone numbers throughout the
network. Trouble numbers should be published in the telephone directory to allow subscribers
with a problem to contact a centralized point for help without disrupting the large switch
operators. The digital voice orderwire (DVOW) provides secure digital voice communications
between local and distant LOS radios, node switches, LENS, and SENS. Managing the DVOW
is critical to keeping the MSE net operating smoothly.
(5) Team packets. These should be issued to all teams at least two days before
deployment. They contain the information needed to open and install the different elements of
the MSE network. Team packets should be issued by company to each node center, LEN,
remote RAU, and SEN team. As a minimum, the team packets should include LOS frequencies,
azimuths and polarizations of antennas, site locations, activation times, system profiles, a copy of
the OPORD, a node center system recapitulation for platoon leaders, and a team location
recapitulation for each battalion administrative/logistics operations center.
(6) COMSEC. The signal planner must ensure that COMSEC keys are distributed as
required. The MSE system will not work unless the correct keys are in the correct places in all
equipment. Planners must also coordinate with adjacent corps and EAC before deployment.