14. AN/TTC-38(V)1 and AN/TTC-38(V)2 automatic telephone central offices.
General Information
The AN/TTC-38(V)1 and the AN/TTC-38(V)2 are air- or vehicular-transportable automatic central
offices used to provide switching facilities in an area communications system They are capable of
interconnecting either 300 (AN/TTC-38(V)1) or 600 (AN/TTC-38(V)2) VF or wideband telephone
circuits. Each is installed in a shelter S-280/B. DTMF telephone sets TA-341/TT, TA-838/TT, or TA-
938/G can be used with these central offices. The AN/TTC-38(V) includes the control test maintenance
group OK-267(V)/TTC-38 which provides an enclosed area for the operation of a remote operator
position of automatic telephone central office (AN/TTC-38(V) and maintenance test equipment used to
perform the prescribed maintenance mission. The OK-267 is housed in shelter S-541/TTC-30(V).
Technical Characteristics
Power Requirement ...............................................................115/20 V AC; 3-phase; 4-wire; 50,
60, or 400 Hz
Power Consumption:
AN/TTC-38(V)1 ................................................................. 2,359 W
AN/TTC-38(V)2 ................................................................. 2,624 W
AN/TTC-38(V)1.................................................................. 2,667 kg (5,875 lbs)
AN/TTC-38(V)2 ................................................................. 3,151 kg (6,940 lbs)
Vehicular Requirement ......................................................... One 2 1/2-ton truck (TTC-38 )
One 2 1/2-ton truck (OK-267)
SS 0029