17. AN/TTC-41( ) automatic telephone central office.
General Information
The AN/TTC-41 is an air- or vehicular-transportable assemblage used to provide rapid automatic
switching to tactical units in an area-type communications system. The AN/TTC-41( ) provides cordless
service to 2-wire common-battery signaling lines, 20-Hz ringdown lines or trunks, common-battery dial
pulse or DTMF lines, and 4-wire tone signaling trunks. The AN/TTC-41(V) 1 provides 30 lines of
service in a shelter configuration. The AN/TTC-41(V) 2 and AN/TTC-41(V) 5 provide 60 lines of
service. The AN/TTC-41(V) 3 and AN/TTC-41(V) 6 provides 90 lines of service. The AN/TTC-41(V)
4 and AN/TTC-41(V) 7 provides 120 lines of service in a shelter configuration. The (V) 1 through (V) 4
models are shelter configurations and (V) 5 through (V) 7 are trailer configurations.
Major Components
1 shelter S-561
1 telephone set TA-938/G pushbutton
TTC-41( )(modified shelter
(all models)
S-250/G)((V)1-(V)4 models)
1 through 5 switchboards
1 trailer assembly V-498/TTC-41(V)
SB-3614(V)/TT or SB-3614A(V)/TT and
(modified trailer M-569)((V) -5-(V) 7
headset H-182/PT (depending on the
1 intercommunications station
1 or 2 power supplies
LS-147F/FI (All models)
PP-6224/U (depending on the model)
1 headset switchbox (all models)
Technical Characteristics
Power Requirement ...............................................................115 V AC; 60 Hz; single phase
Power Consumption:
(V)1 ..................................................................................... 5.1 kW, 1,031 kg (2,270 lbs)
(V)2 ..................................................................................... 5.2 kW, 1,058 kg (2,330 lbs)
(V)3 ..................................................................................... 5.3 kW, 1,090 kg (2,400 lbs)
(V)4 ..................................................................................... 6.5 kW, 1,167 kg (2,570 lbs)
(V)5 ..................................................................................... 2.1 kW, 945 kg (2,080 lbs)
(V)6 ..................................................................................... 2.2 kW, 963 kg (2,120 lbs)
(V)1 ..................................................................................... 3.5 kW, 1,050 kg (2,310 lbs)
SS 0029