Figure 2-15. Light battalion operations and intelligence net
c. Upon attachment of a unit, the communications platoon of the gaining unit usually remains
intact. Therefore, all of the capabilities and limitations remain unchanged. The gaining unit, however,
inherits the capabilities and limitations of the attached unit. For example, the signal officer of a heavy
battalion gaining a light force company, inherits the limited operating range of the dismounted radios. If
the signal officer is in a mechanized infantry unit, he knows that his unit understands the limitations of
operating radios dismounted, since his unit also has the capability and missions to operate dismounted.
This is not so if his unit were an armored battalion. As the signal officer in an armored battalion, he will
need to ensure the capabilities and limitations of fighting with a light force are understood by all. If he
were the signal officer of a light force unit, and a heavy unit is attached, he will need to ensure that the
attached unit understands the communications capabilities and limitations of his unit.