Table 2-2. Communications Section Vehicles and Equipment
d. The communication systems found in light battalions are presented in the following figures.
The battalion uses these radio nets extensively while it is moving. The light force is organized and
equipped to fight dismounted. That means that when the FM voice radios are vehicular-mounted, the
operating capabilities are similar to mounted radios in the heavy battalion. However, the operating
range is drastically reduced when the radios are used dismounted.
(1) Command net.
(a) This net is used by the commander to command and control subordinate units. The
command net is controlled by the battalion main CP. As in the heavy battalion, the signal officer uses
the battalion communications support system to assist the commander in accomplishing the mission.
(b) Like the heavy battalion, all organic and attached units, to include the FSO, the FAC,
and the leaders of supporting elements, enter the command net. During the execution of the mission,
only commanders transmit; others monitor and transmit only essential information.
(c) A light battalion command net is depicted in Figures 2-14A and 2-14B, pages 2-28
and 2-29. The type of communications equipment (VRC-12 series or SINCGARS) may vary from one
battalion to another.