a. Manual Agitation for Sheet Films.
(1) Developer initial.
Immerse the rack fully into the developer.
Rapidly tap it on the bottom of the tank to dislodge any air bubbles, then
raise the rack until the bottom is out of the developer, then re-immerse it.
This requires 4 to 5 seconds.
(2) Developer subsequent. After the initial agitation is completed,
allow the rack to remain at rest for 10 seconds. Raise the rack straight
until the bottom is just out of the developer solution, then re-immerse it
without draining. The lifting and re-immersing cycle should be done in an
even, uniform manner, taking 2 to 3 seconds to complete. Repeat the lifting
and re-immersing cycle once every 10 seconds (six times per minute).
seconds before the developing time is completed, raise the rack, tilt it
about 30 degrees toward one corner (held over the tank), and drain for 10
seconds. After 10 seconds, immerse the rack into the bleach.
(3) Other solutions initial.
Use one lifting and lowering cycle.
(4) Other solutions subsequent.
Use four lifting and lowering cycles
per minute at 15-second intervals.
(5) Agitation in washes.
Use one lifting and lowering cycle for
initial agitation. No subsequent agitation is needed when using a running
water wash.
b. Manual Agitation for Roll Films.
(1) Developer initial. Quickly pour developer into the tank through
the light-trap opening on the tank cover.
Place the cap over the opening
and rap the bottom of the tank against the sink to dislodge any air bubbles
that may be adhering to the film.
Immediately invert the tank, turn it
upright and invert it again, continuing this action for a total of 30
seconds. Initial agitation is identical for each step.
(2) Subsequent agitation.
Follow exactly the agitation sequence
shown in figure 2-6. Notice that agitation is not the same for all steps.
Also, be sure to drain your film during the last 10 seconds in every step.
Capacity of Chemical Solutions.
Chemical solutions can process only a certain amount of film
before they become exhausted.
The total amount of film that can
be processed is given by the manufacturer, usually in square