(l) Expose the film and process according to the manufacturer's
This method, as mentioned before, will not be used often; still, it is good
to know various ways of accomplishing a task.
We will now turn our
attention to methods concerning the use of a slide copier (such as the
Determining the Standard Filter Pack.
a. What Filter Pack Adjusts For.
Whenever you duplicate slides, you
need to filter your light source to produce exact or nearly exact duplicates
of the original slides you are copying.
The colors, densities, and total
number of filters that you use over the light source is called a standard
filter pack.
(1) A standard filter pack is used to adjust for three variables.
These variables are: (a) the emulsion, (b) the chemistry, and (c) the light
You determine your standard filter pack by trial and error,
starting with a recommended filter pack. Once you determine your standard
filter pack, you use it until you experience a change in one or more of the
variables. For example, a change to a different emulsion number, mixing a
fresh batch of chemistry, or even changing a burned-out exposing light
source all require more tests to determine the adequacy of the standard
filter pack you have been using.
b. Making a Standard Filter Pack.
The procedure for determining a
standard filter pack is really quite easy. It just takes time. The time
spent in making up a standard filter pack is time well spent when you
witness the consistent quality of reproductions.
(1) To build a filter pack, you start out with a 2B filter which
absorbs unwanted ultraviolet radiation. Always make the 2B filter a part of
your filter pack.
From that point, you may need any number of additional
filters of various densities and colors.
(2) Your standard filter pack must produce not just imitations of the
original slides but "duplicates."
To perform trial-and-error testing, you
will be copying a slide that has optimum color balance and density.
procedure is to copy this slide using the trial filter pack, given by the
film manufacturer, making several exposures by bracketing in 1/2 f/stop
increments, a color ring-around, and recording the exposure given each