e. Examine the lamp house and the printing head for obvious physical
212 Troubleshooting
to locate trouble in the equipment. The list gives the items to be checked
the normal indication and tolerances of correct operation and the corrective
measures that can be taken by the operator. When using this list, follow
the items in numerical sequence.
b. Action or condition. For some items, the information given in the
action or condition column consists of various switch and control settings
at which the item is to be checked. For other items, it represents an
action that must be taken to check the normal indication given in the normal
indication column.
c. Normal indication. The normal indications listed include the
visible and audible signs that the operator should detect when he checks the
items. If the indications are not normal, the operator should apply the
the operator can make. If the set is completely inoperative and if the
recommended corrective measures do not yield results, troubleshooting is
necessary. However, if the tactical situation requires that operation be
maintained, and if the printer is not completely inoperative, the operator
must keep the printer in operation as long as possible.