side of the cube away from the center of the cube.
Remember the station
point is the spot from which you ill view the cube. Now place a line that
represents the picture plane between the station point and the square so
that it touches the front of the cube.
It is not essential to place it
here; it may be placed at some other distance from the cube. However, the
farther away you place in picture plane, the smaller the cube will appear.
In any perspective drawing, the comparative sizes will be reduced
proportionately as the distance is increased between the picture plane and
the object.
4. Locate the corners of the cube on the picture plane by drawing lines B
(fig 1-3) from each corner of the square to the station point. (Each corner
of the cube represents the positions of a vertical corner of the cube.) The
positions of tie verticals on the picture plane are determined by the points
of intersection of these lines with the picture plane.
In order to
determine the width of each side of the cube, drop vertical lines A and C
from the points where the lines A and B intersect the picture plane.
Figure 1-3. Use a plan view to construct a