from the case. This check involves an inspection of the chassis and case interiors for corrosion,
sand, or dirt. Cleaning is accomplished in the same manner as was the transmitter chassis and
case. After making the check, replace the receiver components.
(4) The order wire unit is the next item on the list to receive an organizational
monthly check. The front panel of the order wire unit must be removed by loosening the four
screws. After this, inspect the chassis and case interior for corrosion, sand and dirt. Clean dirt
and fungus from the case interior, chassis surfaces, and connectors. When finished, replace the
front panel.
(5) After the transmitter, receiver, and order wire unit have been inspected and
replaced, an operational check of the radio set is required. The operational check is performed
by following the tuning procedure outlined in Lesson 2 of this subcourse. As the operational
check is performed, be alert to any abnormal indications. Also replace any indicator that does
not light when it should.
(6) The last organizational monthly PM check involves the antenna system. This is a
check to insure that the mast is vertical and is made with the aid of the spirit level on the mast.
Snubbers and turnbuckles are used to supply proper tension to guy wires, which in turn will
straighten the antenna mast.
This completes the items in an organizational monthly preventive maintenance check.
The six items that the organizational repairman is responsible for on a monthly basis are the
transmitter which includes the elapsed time indicator, receiver, order wire unit, operational
check, and antenna system. Performing a quality monthly PM on the radio set will insure that
your radio set is maintained in a combat serviceable condition.
The organizational repairman is also responsible for performing a quarterly preventive
maintenance inspection of the AN/GRC-103. Once you are clear as to the items in the monthly
PM, continue to the next section of this lesson which covers organizational quarterly PM.
c. Organizational Quarterly Preventive Maintenance Checks.
Each quarter,
organizational preventive maintenance checks must be performed.
Weekly and
monthly checks and services are part of the quarterly preventive maintenance
checks and services and must be performed at the same time. All deficiencies or