b. The unit SOP for planning single-channel radio communications should address the
designation of preset channel functions, operating procedures for single-channel and FH modes,
retransmission procedures, hopset use, TSK assignments and use, data network configurations, common
network time designation, and emergency destruction plans. By using these criteria and following the
operating procedures specified in TC 24-19, Radio Operators Handbook, users can expect highly
responsive communications support from SINCGARS.
c. The specific units and battlefield operating systems that require data transmission and
dedicated data nets are:
(1) Maneuver units - Maneuver control system (MCS).
(2) Field artillery (FA) - Advanced field artillery data system (AFATDS) and tactical fire
direction system (TACFIRE).
(3) Air defense (AD) - Forward area air defense command, control, and intelligence
(4) Military intelligence (MI) - All source analysis system (ASAS).
d. The AD, FA, and MI data systems will be transmitted over the enhanced position location
reporting system (EPLRS) or the joint tactical information distribution system (JTIDS). A limited
amount of this traffic can be passed over CNR systems until EPLRS and JTIDS are fully fielded. The
only data system not addressed here is the combat service support control system (CSSCS), the Army's
logistics computer system. CSSCS data is normally transmitted over ACUS networks (not CNR
systems). However, if the mission dictates, CSSCS data can be passed via SINCGARS.
a. IHFR is used in situations where short, medium, or long-distance communications for C2 are
needed. The planning requirements for IHFR are not as detailed as those for SINCGARS.
Nevertheless, essential preparation must be done to ensure effective communications. As with all
systems, users must understand the impact of METT-T.
b. The signal planner should consider the following when planning for IHFR:
(1) The type of information (voice or data) that will be passed. Passing data requires an
interface device called a modem. Signal leaders need to ensure their operators are skilled in its use and
that coordination with other stations is done.
(2) The planner must ensure that all stations in the net know the primary and alternate
frequencies to use and when changeover occurs. This is addressed in the operations plan and the
operations order.