i. The frequency manager is actively involved in the overall communications plan to ensure
frequency plans and allocations meet mission requirements. A frequency manager is responsible for
for his commander.
j. A BSO has many duties and responsibilities. They include all aspects of signal-related topics
that affect a maneuver units ability to fight and control the battle.
k. The BECS, the frequency management tool for SINCGARS, is a common computer-based
software package. It is used to generate, transfer, and store CNR variables and SOI materials.
l. The planning requirements for SINCGARS are different from those of previous generation
radios. However, the unit SOP and mission requirements still determine the type of net needed. The
unit SOP should address the designation of preset channel functions, operating procedures for single-
channel and FH modes, retransmission procedures, hopset use, TSK assignments and use, data network
configurations, common network time designation, and emergency destruction plans.
m. IHFR is used in situations where short, medium, or long-distance communications for C2 are
needed. The planning requirements for IHFR are not as detailed as those for SINCGARS.
Nevertheless, essential preparation must be done to ensure effective communications. Signal planners
must review every aspect of signal operations to effectively use HF. As with all systems, they must
know the impact of METT-T. Users must be highly proficient, especially if they are operating at a
distant remote site.
n. Single-channel TACSAT radio has no planning range, unlike most communications systems.
The capability to communicate using TACSAT depends on the satellite's location for LOS. TACSAT is
specifically suited to provide long-distance communications for critical contingency operations,
particularly forced entry operations.
o. AD, FA, and MI data systems will be transmitted over the EPLRS or the JTIDS. A limited
amount of this traffic can be passed over CNR systems until EPLRS and JTIDS are fully fielded. The
only data system not addressed here is the CSSCS, the Army's logistics computer system. CSSCS data
is normally transmitted over ACUS networks, not CNR systems. However, if the mission dictates,
CSSCS data can be passed via SINCGARS.