time, the print may loosen and peel off the mount. In this case, the print
may be remounted with fresh cement. Rubber cement makes an ideal adhesive
when prints are to be temporarily mounted for display purposes or for
(1) When a permanent bond between the print and the mounting board is
desired, you should use one of the dry mounting adhesives. One type of dry
mounting employs pressure sensitive adhesive sheets that require no
additional equipment or heat. To use this material, you simply peel off one
side of the protective sheets and apply to the print.
Then peel off the
protective sheet on the other side of the material and mount the print in
(2) Another method of dry mounting prints is done by using dry
mounting tissue, a tissue paper coated on both sides with a shellac type
adhesive. The tissue is dry, thin, and not sticky, and very easy to handle.
Furthermore, it is odorless and chemically inert so it will not stain a
Being moisture proof, it will not wrinkle a print.
It is well
suited for either doubleweight or singleweight prints; and it gives a
strong, flexible, and very permanent bond between prints and mount. The dry
mounting process is so clean, simple, and efficient that it is by far the
most widely used process when permanence and neatness are necessary.
(3) Although dry mounting presses are made for the express purpose of
mounting prints with tissue, an ordinary electric hand iron will give good
results if common sense is used to apply the principles of dry mounting with
4. Dry mounting procedure.
When using dry mounting tissue, place the
untrimmed print face down on the table. Fasten a sheet of mounting tissue
as large as, or larger than the print to the back of the print by applying
the point of a hot "tacking iron" (fig 2-15) very lightly at one point, in
the center of the print. (The iron should be just hot enough to sizzle when
touched with a wet finger.) Very little pressure is needed as the heat from
the iron is usually enough to fasten the tissue. Then turn the print face
up and trim both the print and the tissue to ensure they are exactly the
same size and shape, with no overlapping edges. Then position the print on
the mounting board and tack the tissue to the board by slipping the point of
the hot iron between the print and the tissue, thus preventing the print
from slipping after is has been properly positioned.