Tactical commanders and staff at each of the five BFA plan and control their operations and coordinate
with other functional commanders. The complete C2 communication architecture serves the commander
by tying together the C2 of the combined arms and support units. A detailed description of the new
generation tactical communications architecture follows a discussion of division signal battalion
organization and the older Army Tactical Communication System (ATACS).
Division Signal Battalion Organization and Equipment.
a. Overview. Many of today's communications systems supply not only the C2 the commander
needs, but are often integrated into the weapons systems themselves. For example, the Patriot missile
system uses radio signals to send launch data from the control station to the missile launchers.
(1) This ever increasing relationship between signal support and weapons places a greater
responsibility on signal officers in the field. Good signal support translates into an effective fighting
force. Division signal battalions are organized to provide the C2 necessary to place forces when and
where they are needed.
(2) You will study the four types of divisions: heavy, light, air assault, and airborne. The
extract from FM 11-50 at Appendix B describes the various division signal battalion organizations and
communications systems. Turn to Appendix B and read Chapter 2 (the division signal battalion) of FM
11-50. After reading Chapter 2, return to this section.
b. Mission. As discussed in Chapter 2 of FM 11-50, the division signal battalion provides
internal communications for all echelons of the division's headquarters. The division signal battalion
also links the division headquarters to each of its major subordinate units. Installing, operating, and
maintaining the division area common user system (ACUS), providing internal communications at the
various command posts (CP), and overseeing the division's entire communications security (COMSEC)
process is an enormous responsibility. The demands placed on the division signal battalion can be met
only when thorough planning, coordination, and most importantly, effective training are accomplished.