4. Multichannel. The forward communications company of the non-MSE equipped division signal battalion
provides the DIVARTY with one multi-channel terminal for access into the division telephone system.
Installation of the terminal is the responsibility of the terminal team. This team will install two lengths of 26-pair
cable between the terminal and the DIVARTY switchboard. In most cases, however, the DIVARTY
communications platoon shares this responsibility. Normally, cable installation has top priority because it links
DIVARTY with its subordinate units and fire support elements (FSE) throughout the division.
a. The terminal may be located a long distance away from the DIVARTY HQ. Field wire or cable ties in
circuits installed at the HQ.
b. Multichannel systems are area common user systems (ACUS). Additional basic circuits are installed by
wire. However, the fire control circuits are sole user-installed over the multi-channel system and should be
backed up with field wire circuits when possible.
1. FA Communications.
a. Successful communications for TACFIRE is the key to the FA fire direction system. TACFIRE receives
targeting information, allocates firepower, computes ballistic firing data, and sends fire commands to firing units.
TACFIRE communicates with standard contemporary radio, wire, and multi-channel communications. The
TACFIRE communications control unit (CCU) allows integration of any communications on any net. The CCU
allows rapid netting reconfiguration. This provides the FA battalion a rapid, high speed, data communications
capability. This CCU greatly increases the speed and distances over which messages can be sent.
b. The communications system of the FA battalion must satisfy both internal and external needs. Observers
and fire support teams (FIST) must transmit calls for fires and corrections over great distances without delay. The
fire support officer (FSO) and the FDC must coordinate the attack on targets and quickly send fire commands to
the weapons. External communications provide the interface over long distances with higher HQ, reinforcing
units, and other elements.
c. The communications systems have different capabilities and limitations. Radio, wire, messenger, and
visual signal systems should complement each other. Total dependence should not be placed on any one system.
Reliability and flexibility of communications are increased by using all systems. The battalion communications
system must be secure, easily displaced, and quickly reinstalled.