10. Cable assembly CX-11230( )/G is available in 33 meters (100 feet) and
.4 kilometers (1/4 mile) lengths. The 33-meter lengths are used with the .4
See Figure 1-4 below and Figures 1-5 and 1-6 on page 1-6.
Figure 1-4.
CX-11230( )/G (100-feet) mounted on RC-435/U.
11. Cable assembly CX-11230( )/G has two twisted coaxial tubes jacketed in
low-density polyethylene.
The tubes are protected by mylar tape and a
medium-density polyethylene jacket. The two tubes terminate in a universal
connector at each end. A copper-clad steel braid strength member is part of
the cable assembly.
The cable is sturdy enough for all methods of
24-, and 48-channel TDM-PCM systems and 96-channel TDM-PCM systems.
On a
system length of 384 kilometers (240 miles place attended repeaters every 64
kilometers (40 miles) and nonattended repeaters (pulse form restorers) every
1.6 kilometers (1 mile).