f. Descender.
The descender is that portion of lower-case letters
that extends below the body.
g. Bowl.
The bowl (also referred to as the counter) is the white
space inside the curved portions of letters.
h. Swell.
The swell (also referred to as the curve) is the curved
portion of letters.
Make the swell slightly wider than the stem,
otherwise it will appear thinner.
i. Cross Bar. The cross bar (also referred to as the cross stroke) is
the thin cross stroke you make on lower-case letters f and t, and the
horizontal stroke of some upper-case letters such as T and E.
j. Miscellaneous.
Kerns and swashes are embellishments to letters.
You will find the definitions of these terms in paragraphs 2d and 2g of
this lesson. The other terms shown on figure 1-25 are self explanatory.
19. Summary.
This concludes lesson 1. Complete the practice exercise on the following
pages, then proceed to lesson 2.