14. Calculating Guideline Spacing.
If your capital letters are to be 36 points high, then make the distance
between the cap line and the base line 36 points (1/2 inch). If the line
you are to letter includes lower-case letters, you also need to draw the
waist line and the drop line.
Make the distance between the waist line
and the cap line approximately 1/2 the distance between the cap and base
line, in this example 18 points or 1/4 inch.
This is also the correct
distance between the base line and the drop line. Maintain these ratios
between guidelines regardless of the size of the letters you draw.
dividers and a printer's rule to ensure accurate measurement of the
distances between guidelines.
15. Grids.
Grids are another useful tool you use to achieve balance and stability in
projects you letter. Graph paper is one example of grids. You can also
construct your own using dividers and a printer's rule. Additionally, you
can use grids and guidelines in a combination.
Refer to figures 1-18
through 1-21 for examples of how to use grids and guidelines.
The arrows and numbers shown on figures 1-18 through 1-21 represent
the order in which you make your strokes to construct letters.
Figure 1-18.
Vertical and horizontal strokes