and preparing an organizational chart, there are guidelines that apply to
all three types of charts you must follow to ensure effectiveness:
(2) Use of rectangles.
Use rectangles to represent units or
persons on the chart. Make the rectangle representing the key figure or
authority the largest and centered on the chart.
Make the rectangles
that represent units or people on the same level the same size.
Rectangles above and below the key figure are one size smaller, and the
rectangles representing each lower-level are one size smaller than the
preceding level.
For full-time subdivisions, you should use rectangles constructed of
solid lines, and use broken (hidden) lines for the rectangles
representing a permanent full-time subdivision that may be created. To
indicate a full-time subdivision that is to be eliminated, use a
rectangle constructed with alternating dot-dot-dash lines. If the chart
has a subdivision whose functions are currently performed by another
activity or will be manned on mobilization, construction of the rectangle
is a dotted line.
Whenever you construct a rectangle using lines other than solid, explain
their use in a legend. Locate the legend in the upper-left corner with
the date.
(3) Command or authority lines.
Normally, command or authority
lines enter a rectangle at the top and exit at the bottom from center of
the left side. However, under certain conditions command or authority
lines enter the rectangle from the center of the left side. Command or
authority lines do not pass through the rectangles.
The chart on the left-hand side of figure 1-41 shows the preferred method
when a section has two or more subordinate units under it. The chart on
the left-hand side shows the two sections as equal and under the control
of the enlisted records section.
If you constructed the chart as shown on the right-hand side of figure 1-
41, the chart does not present the facts the same way. The chart on this
side of the figure gives the impression that the enlisted records section
controls the records control unit and the records control unit controls
the records vault, which is not a factual representation of the structure
of the unit.