1-2. The measures you take to counteract the enemy's use of ECM are defined as ECCM. As a
radio operator, your best form of ECCM is to keep operating and notify your supervisor
immediately or as soon as possible.
Remember, if you suspect that your communications are being affected by enemy ECM,
you must keep _____________________ and _____________________ your supervisor
(1-2. Answer: operating, notify, immediately)
1-3. The intentional enemy interference that a radio operator may be subjected to may not seem
dramatic; but if it can disrupt your reception of vital communications, it involves the life and
death of people or the difference between victory and defeat. You can be certain that whenever
you operate a radio station in combat, the enemy will attempt to disrupt your communications
ECM is used principally to achieve one or more of the following objectives:
Deny use of necessary radio communications by jamming radio reception to a
point where no reception passes through.
Reduce range of normal radio communications.
Slow communications by overloading nonradio communications facilities with
radio traffic.
Gain intelligence by provoking operators into breach of security.
Cause expense by necessitating the development and installation of
supplementary facilities, alternate systems, and antijamming devices.