1-23. A random noise jamming signal is probably the most effective and dangerous type of
communications jamming because the operator can mistake it for receiver or atmospheric noise
and fail to report it. This jamming sounds like normal interference that is heard when the gain of
the receiver is turned up high and the receiver is not tuned to a signal.
A jamming signal that sounds like normal interference and is difficult to recognize as
jamming is a _______________ _______________ jamming signal.
(1-23. Answer: random noise)
1-24. A random noise jamming signal is effective against most types of radio communications,
and the jamming noise cannot be eliminated without removing the desired signal. Because a
random noise jamming signal sounds like _______________ interference and cannot be
_______________ without removing the desired signal, it is a most effective and dangerous type
of jamming.
(1-24. Answer: normal, eliminated)
1-25. The sweep-through jamming signal is a signal that is swept back and forth across a
frequency band at a relatively rapid rate. At low speeds, the sweep-through jamming signal
sounds like an outboard motor, and at higher speeds it resembles the sound of a piston aircraft
Therefore, a sweep-through jamming signal can be recognized as interference that sounds
like an _______________ motor or a _______________ _______________ engine.
(1-25. Answer: outboard, piston aircraft)
1-26. A high-speed, sweep-through jamming signal masks or obliterates all types of voice
transmission. Therefore, you can expect the enemy to jam your transmissions effectively by
using a ___________-speed, ___________-___________ jamming signal.
(1-26. Answer: high, sweep-through)